[20220923 : Colloquium]

Kakeya problem and its applications

1. 일시 2022년 9월 23일 (금) 16:00-17:00

2. 장소 : 아산이학관 526호

3. 연사 : 고영우 교수 (공주대학교 수학교육과)

4. 제목 : Kakeya problem and its applications

5. 초록 : In this talk, we study Kakeya problem and its applications.

Firstly, we introduce a Besicovitch set and fractal dimensions, and also we show a simplest argument to prove the problem in two dimensional case.

We also introduce many applications to other fields such as harmonic analysis, PDE, and number thoery.

In the last of talk, we will brifly review the recent techniques in harmonic analysis.

문의 : 김일두 교수님(waldoo@korea.ac.kr)