연      사 : 김  준  일 교수 

소      속 : 연세대학교 수학과 
발표주제 : Simple proof of Phong and Stein's theorem
         for  the 1D oscillatory integral operator

발표내용 : In 1997 Phong and Stein obtained  the
      optimal decay rate for the operator norm in $L^2$
      of the 1-D oscillatroy integral operator. They used
      the factorization (resolution of the singularites) of
      the Hessian of the phase function.
      In this talk we give a more direct proof without
      using any factorization of the phase functions.
      Instedad, we repeatedly use the almost orthogonality

발표일자 : 2010년 12월 10일(금) 오후3시

발표장소 : 아산이학관 524호