연      사 : Prof. Sabir Umarov

소      속 : Tufs University, USA

발표주제 :  Fractional Calculus: Basics and some

발표내용 : : Even though fractional differentiation has been
        discussed since the time when the theory of differential
       calculus was invented, its application to real world problems
       emerged about four decades ago. Since then fractional
       calculus was applied in variety of research areas, including
       kinetic dynamics, system control, robotics, chaos, stochastic
       processes with correlated time change, etc. In the talk we will
       discuss basics of fractional calculus and some of their
       applications. The most part of the content is accessible for
       undergraduate students as well.

발표일자 : 2011년 7월 15일(금) 오후4시

발표장소 : 아산이학관 524호