연    사 : 김   화   길  박사

소    속 : Courant Institute(NYU)

발표주제 : Lagrangian mechanics in the space of probability
   measures (Hamilton-Jacobi Equations in the Wasserstein space)

발표내용 : Only few years ago, people started getting interested
     in HJE in the Wasserstein space. It turns out that HJE has
     many interesting  application areas like compressible Euler
     equations, Mean field equations .. etc.
     Unfortunately, the theory on HJE in the Wasserstein space is
     not fully developed yet. In this talk, I will introduce some
     already known results and then I will describe our result
     recently done with my collaborators(Ryan Hynd and Paul Lee).
발표일자 : 2012년 1월 13일, 오후4시

발표장소 : 아산이학관524호