연 사 : Prof. Tatsuyoshi Hamada

소 속 : Department of Applied Mathematics, Fukuoka University, Japan

발표주제 : Introduction to the Open Source Mathematical Software Project "MathLibre Live system"


발표내용 : The open source mathemetical software project "MathLibre Livesystem" will be introduced, which is the direct descendant of the KNOPPIX/Math system, a bootable linux OS. It contains many interesting mathematical softwares. We will take a close look at softwares related to dynamic geometry and visualization of mathematics. Especially KSEG, GeoGebra, and possibly maxiama, will be discussed in detail.

발표일자 : 2012년 2월 27일,28일
                오전 10시 ~ 12시, 1시30분 ~ 3:00, 3시 30분 ~ 5:30분

발표장소 : 아산이학관526호